Refrigeration Installations

Queally Walsh Engineering installs industrial refrigeration systems and pipework for the meat processing, dairy and food industries. We provide Service/Maintenance programs for the Sale, Design, Installation and Commissioning of Industrial Refrigeration systems for the Food Processing, Brewery, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industries along with various other applications. We supply and install all plant, equipment and prefabricated pipework i.e. API Sch 40 and A333 to the highest quality standard of workmanship. Typical applications are cooling processes for the food and beverage industries, buildings and leisure facilities. During the design and installation of a refrigeration plant, we take the following into consideration when trying to maximise performance for the user;

  • Capacity Performance
  • Efficiency
  • Reliability
  • Safety
  • Ownership value

It is of course better if these criteria are considered and designed in before the plant is put into operation. However, in many cases we are asked to redesign / service existing refrigeration plants which fail to meet the required standards or need to perform under increased capacity. We analyse each plant taking capacity performance, efficiency, reliability etc., into consideration and together with our customers’ requirements and financial availability, can design suitable plant to meet our customers’ needs.

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